you must click inside the game in order to be able to control it!!!


Now with more BOOM! If you get stuck, you do what any resourceful pilot would do: You throw a hang grenade out the window! The boom will bounce your ship around -- maybe even in a useful way!

left (purple) playerright (green) player
Z key for thrust
A key for BOOM
/ key for thrust
' key for BOOM (apostrophe key)

It may take a few tries of BOOM to get your ship oriented in a useful direction, but when you get it... START THRUSTING!

There isn't much here because I don't know Godot yet and so each step requires research in the "how to" department.

With what's here you can see that you can actually fly your ship to anywhere on the screen you want to go - you just have to practice running into the right things at the right time to turn your ship around.

Next step is to add the racetrack so that you can race your friend in uncontrollable spacehips!

The boom code:

func _physics_process(delta):
# # Called every frame. Delta is time since last frame.
# # Update game logic here.
boomtimer = boomtimer +1
if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_Z):
var rotation = self.get_global_rotation()
var forwardNormal = Vector2(0,1).rotated(rotation)
self.apply_impulse(Vector2(),forwardNormal * -thrust_amount * delta)
if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_A) and (boomtimer>15):
boomtimer = 0

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